This course offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of chemistry which concerns structures and materials in the "nano" size regime: between molecules and microscale objects. These nanomaterials often exhibit fascinating and unexpected properties and serve as good examples of how fundamental science can quickly give rise to important applications. The course will cover the following topics: Self-assembled monolayers; Synthesis of nanoparticles; Structural properties of nanoparticles; Optical properties of nanoparticles; Magnetic properties of nanoparticles; Chemical reactions of nanoparticles; Self-assembly of nanoparticles. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course, students will: Have sufficient knowledge to start research work in the fields of colloidal or supramolecular chemistry; Have a good general knowledge of inorganic chemistry; Solve numerical problems in analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, and colloidal chemistry; Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of different types of noncovalent interactions for the construction of new nanoscale systems; Predict the structures of self-assembled objects based on the properties the building blocks; Read with good understanding and critically discuss current literature in the field; Critically analyze experimental results from electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, and related techniques.

Target group: Chemistry students.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate-level chemistry knowledge.

Evaluation: Active participation

Teaching format: Lectures

ECTS: 3 Year: 2024

Track segment(s):

Rafal Klajn

Teaching assistant(s):