The aim of this reading course is to read the first two chapters of Markus Land’s “Introduction to Infinity Categories” and discuss some of the book’s exercises. We shall meet at least every second week, and at least five times. At the end of each meeting, we agree on the workload until the next meeting. Thus, the main workload lies in individual active reading and solving exercises. Meeting times and places will be agreed individually with the participants.

Target group: Math PhD students with interests related to any of the following: homotopy theory, category theory, algebraic topology, or algebraic geometry.

Prerequisites: Some prior exposition to any of the following would be useful, though not strictly required: homotopy theory, category theory, algebraic topology, or algebraic geometry.

Evaluation: Participation

Teaching format: Mentored-self study. More precisely, we plan to meet every second week to discuss the chapters we set ourselves and some associated exercises.

ECTS: 3 Year: 2023

Track segment(s):

Shiyu Shen

Teaching assistant(s):

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