Adobe Illustrator is a powerful graphics program for editing and generating vector-based images. In this two-day online workshop taught by Dr. Andreas Binder you will learn both the basic and advanced functions of the software, in order to help you create professional-looking scientific posters, figures and presentations. The workshop covers a wide range of topics to ensure you are well-equipped to tackle any scientific project in Adobe Illustrator. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect to learn: -- Creating new documents and importing/exporting various file formats (PDF, Word, Excel, bitmap images, etc.) -- Learning the basic Illustrator interface and tools -- Handling complex documents with groups, layers, and artboards --Using align tools and coordinate systems to arrange objects and draw precise
illustrations -- Managing text options, styles, and color -- Utilizing blending and advanced drawing tools, including perspective drawing,
vectorization, and shape modification -- Integrating Adobe Photoshop to edit bitmap images like microscopic images and scans.

Target group: Scientists interested in learning both basic and advanced functions of Adobe Illustrator for the purposes of making professional-looking posters, figures, and presentations.

Prerequisites: None

Evaluation: Attendance and participation

Teaching format: Online, full attendance required for credit.

ECTS: 1 Year: 2023

Track segment(s):
Core curriculum

Hania Koever

Teaching assistant(s):

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